Finding the Perfect Keyword Fit For Your Website
Keywords work well in your content to help boost your rankings within the search engines. Just be careful that you aren’t keyword stuffing or have too few keywords - both are harmful to your website. In order to keep your website fresh, it’s important to continuously write new content.

Simple Website Design Techniques to Improve Sales
You may be thinking that the goal of your website is to make you money. And that makes sense, but have you thought that the look and feel of your website may or may not be attracting the visitors it should? A website is designed to showcase a business’ products/services and tell audiences all the behind the scenes info such as values, the company story, visions for progress, etc. Of course you also want to gain leads and make sales to increase profit. A fine tuned website will get those results, but only if the website is appealing and useful to your audience.

What's Trending in 2016
The new year is right around the corner and with that comes the new trends in web design and what will be popular in terms of boosting conversions. Please note that these trends are not a one size fits all. The design trends of 2016 may be popular among designers, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are right for you.

Your Holiday Email Campaign Strategies Have Arrived
The holiday hullabaloo has arrived! Retailers have been planning all year long for this mega sales event and have already put their best foot forward with widely broadcasted sales promotions. The motto this holiday season is “buy, buy, buy and sell, sell, sell.”

Content Marketing So Much More Than Blogging
While content marketing in the form of blogging is important, there are other content formats that can be used. One such format is visual content - a great tool for capturing the interest of your audience.

How Should I Structure My URLs?
A well structured URL is not only human friendly, it also adds some SEO benefits to your website. Keyword URLs is one more way to tell search engines (and people) what the page is about.

Make Sales a Slam Dunk
With a few simple tweaks to your website, you can make it easier for customers to actually follow through with a purchase instead of leaving the cart abandoned. We have a couple of tips for you on how to increase your conversion rates that will leave both parties satisfied.

Please Note Your Change of Address
Google has recently sent a very clear message to site owners regarding their URL address. You need to tell the search engines about your HTTPS URLs. As of now, over 80% of HTTPS URLs that are ready to be indexed are currently being displayed as regular HTTP URLs because Google isn’t aware of the switch.

It's Time to Get Personal
A good 75% of consumers will visit a store if they received a text promotion. It’s starting to become mainstream for customers to offer up personal information in exchange for the convenience of being offered product recommendations.

The Nuts and Bolts of Creating a Dynamic Web Design
There are several factors that go into designing a website such as the design style, your branding, choosing images, clear navigation, call to action, and trust. These are all factors that a good designer will address with you during the planning portion of your website.

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