Finding the Perfect Keyword Fit For Your Website

Having a good website is no simple task. You need to think about having a great design, an effective marketing strategy, and good conversion rates. And don’t forget the keywords! Keywords work well in your content to help boost your rankings within the search engines. Just be careful that you aren’t keyword stuffing or have too few keywords - both are harmful to your website. In order to keep your website fresh, it’s important to continuously write new content. This is where keyword research comes into play and it’s not something to be taken lightly. Keywords should be relevant to your website and offer some value. How do you find these gems? Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we will share some insights on how to find the perfect keywords for your website. 

Don’t Think Too Broad

Finding keyword terms can be a lengthy process and when a broad term comes into play, it can be pretty tempting to use it within your content. Broad keywords tend to drive a lot of visitors to your site and generate a lot of traffic, however, these kind of terms are pretty hard to rank on Google. The broader your keywords, the more your content will be buried in the search engines. Not so appealing anymore huh? Keywords should always look natural in your content and make sure you spell your terms right. 

Use Keywords That Will Describe Your Content

Writing content takes time and a little bit of practice. It should always appear as unique, fresh content. Before you even write your article or blog, put yourself in your visitors’ shoes. How will they search for you? What kinds of keywords would they use to best describe your product services? Figure out what keywords would be most relevant to your content or service and use them to highlight the products/services you are describing. 

Google Keyword Planner Is Your Friend

You’ve come up with a valid list of keywords, but you just know there are more out there that you can use. Here’s where Google’s Keyword Planner can help you build your list. It can offer you more suggestions of keywords that are similar to what you already have. Take in every keyword and think about all the options of how a visitor would search for you. Use these options to refine your list for the terms that best fit your needs.

Look To Your Competitors

Smart businesses always look to the completion to see what they are doing and then try to do better. The same goes for keywords. Do a little research and look at websites that compete with the same kind of terms you use. Look at these competitors to see how they use their keywords in content, titles, and descriptions. How can you improve upon that? What will make you stand out from the competition? You will want to use different, unique keywords that will help you rank higher.

Keep Up With Search Trends

SEO is an ongoing battle. You always need to be analyzing your website and your content for what is and isn’t working. Keep one eye on the search trends. Not only will you be able to find new keywords that will fit in global or local search, but you will also be able to add good keywords to your brainstorm list. This will ensure that your content doesn’t go stagnant.