Elements of a Great Homepage
Your homepage is your welcome letter to all users who visit your site. It’s important to take great care when designing your homepage so that readers will understand your business message and take action.

Why Are People Leaving Your Website?
​It's a hard enough task to think up a business idea and build a website. It’s another thing entirely to make it attractive and interesting enough to keep up interest from your visitors.

Planning Your Website
It’s easy to come up with a business idea, but it’s a whole other ball of yarn to actually sit down and plan out all the details of how your business is going to function. Before you take your idea to a website developer, there are several things you need to take into consideration first. It’s always smart to have done your homework and be fully prepared before calling up a designer and saying you want a website.

Is Your Website at Risk for Failure?
It seems that these days everyone has a website and small businesses can have a hard time keeping up with the competition. It is difficult to come up with unique marketing strategies that will put you in front of the crowd.

Send the Right Kind of Email
Just about every website you go to has an invitation to sign up for email blasts or newsletters. As a business owner, you want people to read the information you send them, so here are a few tricks of the trade to get your emails seen, opened, and read.

Optimize Website Images For Better Performance
Images play a powerful role in your website. The very first thing our eye is trained to spot are pictures. Images that are vibrant and eye-catching will get the attention of a user right away and if they like what they see, they’ll take the time to peruse your site.

Enhance Your YouTube Videos
YouTube is a great media marketing tool. We recently discussed how to create and optimize a YouTube channel for your business. Once you have yourself established on YouTube, it’s time to get cracking and develop some awesome video content to market your business

Visitor Approval Required for Branding Success
You can have a website with all the bells and whistles, the best looking visuals and user-friendly design, but without one key ingredient, it is lacking impact. That one secret ingredient is visitors. Without them, your website is pretty much a visual paperweight - it looks nice, but there is no big function.

Optimize Your YouTube Channel
YouTube is a great platform to showcase video for your business. Not only is this a brilliant marketing tool, but it’s also a great way to build your brand and direct more traffic to your site. Many businesses don’t take advantage of the opportunity, so it’s time to get a leg up on the competition and create your presence on YouTube.

Get the Inside Scoop on Social Media Best Practices
It’s not uncommon these days to see businesses using a chunk of the marketing budget to go toward social media. Social media platforms can be a huge investment for businesses to engage with existing customers, but also reach new, potential customers.

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