Optimizing your Web Pages for SEO

Google considers many things when ranking a website and sometimes it can be tough to figure out which items are the most important to consider when optimizing your pages. Everyone wants their website to rank, but not all websites are created equal. In order to ensure that you are correctly optimizing your pages, we’ve provided a few tips to make sure your website is search-engine friendly.

First off, you need to make sure that you have URL extensions that are SEO friendly. It’s usually the first 3-5 words that are given the most consideration. So don’t waste your breath with a super long URL that goes on forever because Google won’t be looking at it. Instead, thoughtfully pick out a keyword phrase that will be picked up by Google.

When optimizing your title tags, try and keep them to 55 characters or less. And it’s okay to use relevant keywords, just don’t stuff your title tag full of them. One or two targeted keywords will do just fine. 

When writing your content, don’t stick to words alone. Spice up your pages with images, video, tables, charts, etc. People like to see pops of color and something fun to look at to break up the content. This will help with your bounce rates and increase time on your pages. 

We’ve all heard how important link building can be for your website, but please don’t link to any old site. You ALWAYS want to link to authority websites. This will signal to Google that your page contains quality information. 

Content writing can be a bit tricky, but not impossible. It’s important to write your content with relevant keywords in mind. Google will analyze these words to determine a page’s relevancy. Just be careful to not overstuff. That will earn you a penalty. 

Here’s a very important tip, so read carefully: you must have fast page loading. If not, people will not re-visit your site. How quickly your website loads is a very important SEO ranking signal. If any of your pages are loading slower than normal, take the time to find out what’s going on and immediately correct it. You can always visit Google PageSpeed for assistance. 

It’s important to interact with your audience base. Social media is a big factor these days and by having social share buttons on your website, you will improve your chances of receiving inbound links. You will also open yourself up to communication with you audience and this will make you more likable and help you build trust and relationships.

Here’s another thing we’ve talked about often - how important it is to have a responsive design. This means that your site will automatically adapt for multiple devices, making you a lot more user-friendly. 

Optimizing your web pages isn’t complicated, it just takes a little bit of dedication on your part and can be done over time. The payout will be huge if you are willing to put in the work.