Key Components of Website Do's and Don'ts

Last week we discussed some website design myths that hold no truth. Today, we will give you a quick and dirty overview of some key tips of what TO DO with your website and what to AVOID. These tips will come in handy while maintaining your site and will contribute to the overall health and success of your website. 

Here are the good things you should be doing for your website:

website1. It’s imperative that you have a mobile site. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. As more and more people become smartphone savvy, they are using their phones to find websites and research questions. If you have a responsive design, you are already ahead of the game. If not, it’s time to start thinking about one. Responsive design allows your website to be viewed across multiple platforms, with emphasis on mobile development. 

2. It’s important to test your website! Get fresh eyes and ask non-technical people to review your site. They will be able to spot glitches easier since they have a clean perspective. 

3. To go along with the testing theme, find different mobile devices with varying operating systems and test your mobile functions to make sure everything is working properly across the board. 

4. Include an area for testimonials and reviews. This “free” marketing will go a long way in spreading the word of your great customer service and wonderful products/services. 

5. Make sure your page load times are fast. No one wants to dawdle over a slow loading page. If you’re in doubt, visit Google Webmaster Tools for more help.

Now it’s time to pay attention to what you shouldn’t be doing:

1. Never ignore SEO. You want your content to be discovered among search engines and you want your website to rank well so that people can find you.

2. Don’t forget about analytics. You want to be able to track your website and see which pages are getting the most visits. This will help you tailor your content to what your visitors are searching for. Also, using analytics will help you determine which functions are working for your website and which ones need to be removed. 

3. Don’t spam your users with email and constant updates. Make sure your email campaigns are relevant and targeted to your users. 

4. Watch your popups. Not only are they annoying, but many people will click off your site.