Effective Email Strategies: Part II

Email campaigns can help retain, convert, and engage customers, as well as nurture customer relationships and provide consumer insights. That is why email is considered such a key component in retail marketing and because it is so important, it’s of top priority to continuously re-evaluate email marketing strategies in order to identify underperforming campaigns and test new strategies. Check out the following strategies to give your emails a fresh boost.

The Relationship Must Be Nurtured

Generally speaking, it’s easier to keep customers than it is to go out and find new ones. This is where email comes in handy in order to nurture existing relationships. If you have customers sign up to a mailing list, keep in contact with them by sending out coupons or sneak peeks at new products. Perhaps you want to offer samples or deals that only those on the mailing list are privy to. The point is to keep these customers interested in your business - let them know that you care by keeping in contact. 

Get Consumer Reviews

Consumers often trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, so it’s definitely time to beef up the consumer reviews on your site. If you need more reviews, consider asking customers to review their recently purchased products. Simply send out an email to thank them for shopping with you and ask them to rate their experience. This will not only help increase your number of reviews, but it’s a personalized way of keeping in touch with your customers.

Birthday Emails

There are quite a few retailers that send out birthday emails with coupon codes or promotions in order to entice customers to their store. This is yet another way to be personal with your customers and nurture the relationship. Be aware that many subscribers often receive an abundance of offers leading up to the day of their birthday, so be sure to give them a good window of time to redeem the coupon or promotional offer.

Customer Feedback is Important

In order to make sure your customer service is top notch, it’s important to get customer feedback. Surveys are a great way to obtain this information. With a survey you can obtain consumer preferences as well as learn more about their subscriber base. Within the email, have a link in which customers can provide data about their online and in-store purchasing frequency, competitor insights, awareness of loyalty card benefits, etc. Tailor the survey to best fit your needs and remember, this is a great way to keep in touch with customers and nurture the relationship to keep them coming back to you.