SEO Copywriting

Write for your readers, but optimize for robots

Nobody exactly volunteers to read SEO content and neither to the search engines. Google prefers natural content to obvious SEO talk, plus there is no point in great rankings if your content doesn’t convert. Bottom line - you need to balance your focus on creating content for a people friendly audience, but help the robots find your content as well.

Never Mind Keyword Density

It’s important to use relevant keywords, but use them in a natural capacity. Cramming keywords also known as keyword stuffing in where they don’t belong will most likely do you more harm than good.

Use Related Keywords, Synonyms, and Grammatical Variations

Using these variations is an easy way to make your content more relevant, without stuffing the actual keyword into your content. Live Imagination, Affinity Tracker, and Organic SEO Manager all include tools to find high search volume related or keyword combinations.

Using Google For Related Keyword Research

When searching for related keywords in Google, add ~ before the keyword and hit search. At the bottom of the search results, you will find all the related keywords that Google finds relevant in relation to your query. Use these keyword variations to enhance the relevance of your content.

Write Long, In-Depth, Unique Quality Content

It’s said that in-depth articles get more shares and links than short, superficial ones. It’s a good idea to write content that delves deep into the subject matter and provides real insight. But don’t write lengthy content just because you think you have to in order to please the search engines, do it because you have knowledge to share with your audience.

It is important to make sure the content you are writing is unique and not plagarized (or to similar to someone elses). Use a plagarism checking tool (available within Live Imagination) to check that your content is unique prior to publishing.

Take Advantage of the Long Tail

The problem with big, fat keywords is that they usually are super competitive and ranking for them demands a huge effort. In many cases there are lots of related searches that are much easier to rank for e.g. "landing page" vs. "how long should a landing page be?" Long tail phrases have a smaller search volume, however, the traffic quality will be higher as the visitors are more motivated and likely to convert.

Answer your Prospects’ Questions

If a consumer has a question about the products or services you offer, more than likely, they will type those questions direction into a Google search query. Make sure to provide consumers with credible content that will answer their questions and they will visit your site. Also, make sure you have better answers to your competitors and they’ll buy from you. Answering questions is a great way of taking advantage of the long tail.

Get Your Content Noticed and Shared

This might be stating the obvious, but sharing gets you links and traffic and the more “shares” your content gets, the more relevant and popular it will seem to Google. Content can be shared via blogs, newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.

Use Google Plus

Google+ is going to play a bigger and bigger role in SEO. Setup your Google+ profile, add your authorship markup, claim ownership of your content, build AuthorRank, and play an active role on G+. By doing this, you can boost the authority of every piece of content you write, regardless of where it gets posted.

Title Tags and Meta Descriptions are Important

Your title tag is one of the first things Google looks at when categorizing the individual webpage. The combination of title tags and meta descriptions is what people will see in the search engines, so include keywords, but make sure your title tags are natural and motivating people to click on your webpage.